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The first step is to complete our application found on our Purchasing a Puppy page.


Below are details from our sales agreement. After we've reviewed your application we will email a copy of this agreement to you and plan a pick up date.


You can reserve a puppy with your deposit.


The purchase price of a Hemstreet Scotch Collie puppy is $750.  Part of the purchase price ($300) will be paid immediately with this agreement as a deposit to guarantee that seller will hold the puppy.


There are no refunds on deposits. Failure of the buyer to complete this purchase would subject seller to lost opportunities to sell the puppy and retention of the deposit is meant to compensate seller for his possible loss. This deposit signifies the intent on the part of the buyer to follow through with the purchase. 



We do not deliver or ship our puppies. We prefer that buyers pick up puppies at our home. We feel this is best for the puppies. It also allows the new owners to see where the puppies have been raised as well as to meet us and the mother of the puppies.



Typically puppies stay with their mother until 7-8 weeks of age. We will schedule a pick up date with you once we have your deposit.



We guarantee your puppy will be free from infectious diseases for 4 days after the puppy leaves our premises. We will provide you with a puppy that leaves our home clean, in good general health and with no known physical defects. De-wormings and first immunizations will have been completed and detailed in writing. 


REHOMING a Scotch Collie

Should the buyer after purchasing one of our Scotch Collies, find themselves unexpectedly unable to continue to care for the dog, we'd like to be contacted with the hope of helping you to rehome your dog.

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